We understand that Haus of Horror operates inside sensitive and cultural, historic locations.

That’s a huge part of why we do this; without the utilisation of these of heritage listed spaces, they fall into disrepair and disinterest.
Our events ensure the general public have access to affordable Sydney nightlife, learn history and do it all with care and respect.
Our events also help finance care and upkeep of these locations.

What are some ways we ensure the general public uses these sites with care and respect?

We have security conducting bag checks at the gate, ensuring no items or devices that can cause damage to the property or antisocial behaviour are allowed in.
We are a low waste event; everything we use from the plates our food stands use to the cups we serve wine in, are all compostable.
We have full council support and ensure we stick to their and the heritage listed locations guidelines.
Lastly, we personally care. We care about events, creating and embracing culture, nightlife (that doesn’t involve antisocial behaviour) and history. We care about film. We care about education. Not all history is history to be proud of, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still learn it.

Haus of Horror is a small Australian owned business. Please treat us with respect. If you have any questions or concerns about our locations,
please don’t hesitate to reach out to doom@hausofhorror.com.